Name of qualification Name of qualification: Koreograf/koreografinjaAdd to comparison
Translated title (no legal status) Translated title: Choreographer
Type of qualification Type of qualification: National vocational qualification, SQF level 6
Category of qualification Category of qualification: Vocational Qualification
Admission requirements Entry conditions:
  • at least vocational, general secondary or technical secondary education and,
  • proof of dance roles in at least five full-length spectacles (min. duration 30 mins) or 40 dance performances/competitions and
  • proof of choreography for at least five full-length spectacles (min. duration 30 mins) or at least 40 dance performances/competitions.
ISCED field Field:
Arts and humanities
ISCED subfield subfield: music and performing arts
Qualification level

SQF Level: SQF 6
EQF Level: EQF 5

Learning outcomes:

Candidates will be able to:

  • plan, prepare, carry out and assess their own work and the work of participants,
  • conduct administrative processes related to the organisation of activities,
  • ensure the quality of their work and carry out self-assessment,
  • ensure the maintenance of resources and equipment,
  • communicate with dancers and experts,
  • use technical terminology and communicate in one foreign language,
  • use modern information and communication technologies,
  • develop entrepreneurial characteristics, skills and behaviour,
  • lead an expert team and/or participate in a team and supervise work,
  • make rational use of energy, material and time,
  • protect health and the environment, take responsibility for their own safety and the safety of others,
  • create a choreography,
  • direct the artistic expression of dancers and their movement in dance,
  • encourage the creative and interpretative abilities of dancers,
  • observe the laws of music, stagecraft and space and evaluate their own choreography,
  • maintain the physical fitness of dancers and prevent injuries from occurring,
  • organise, prepare and run dance training, rehearsals, performances and thematic events.


Verification and assessment are carried out by committees for the verification and validation of national vocational qualifications, appointed by the National Examination Centre (NEC). Committee members must be licensed by the National Examination Centre. Licences may be found here.

Assesment and completion:


During the guidance process, the candidate prepares a portfolio. The relevant committee assesses the portfolio and validates catalogue content in part or full. If the committee is unable to validate all catalogue content, it assigns tasks to the candidate for verification.


  • practical verification (choreography) with an oral presentation and/or
  • a presentation and oral presentation of three original choreographies via videos which the candidate brings to the verification (on a USB drive, CD, DVD or uploaded to an FTP server, YouTube, Dropbox, etc.), with a maximum total duration of 30 minutes.

During the presentation and oral presentation of the choreographies, the guidelines set out in point 11 of this catalogue shall be observed.

Qualification description

Kratek opis

Koreograf, prvotno je beseda pomenila "zapisovalec gibov" (koreos-grafos, gr.), je ustvarjalec na plesnem področju. Ustvarja baletne in plesne predstave, koncerte ali posamezne točke.

Kaj delavec običajno dela

Samostojen balet lahko koreograf ustvari po lastnem scenariju in z originalno avtorsko koreografijo. Ali pa uporabi kot predlogo scenarija kakšno literarno delo, pesem, dramo in po njih uresniči svojo avtorsko gibalno- plesno vizijo. Lahko ustvari plesno predstavo brez konkretne vsebine. Tudi sodelovanje z glasbeniki je različno. S skladateljem se dogovori, da mu bo za njegov scenarij napisal originalno glasbo. Ali pa uporabi že napisano glasbo. Možne so tudi koreografije brez glasbene spremljave ali s spremljavo raznih akustičnih sredstev človeškega glasu, zlogov, besed, dihanja, raznih šumov, ropota in elektronskih zvokov. Koreograf se samostojno odloči za temo in vsebino svojega novega baleta, vendar se marsikdaj upoštevati repertoarno politiko gledališča oziroma baletnega ansambla in njegove zmogljivosti. Pa tudi finančne in tehnične možnosti, ki so na razpolago.

Že napisan scenarij pregleda in ga po potrebi predela. Odloči se za stil koreografije in izbere ustrezno zasedbo. Dogovori se tudi z umetniškimi in tehničnimi sodelavci: kostumografom, scenografom in mojstrom razsvetljave. Ko ti pripravijo osnutke, se dogovori s tehničnimi vodji glede izdelave kostumov in scene, rekvizitov, odrske tehnike in vsega, kar je potrebno za uspešno predstavitev plesnega projekta. Dogovori se z glasbenim vodjo- dirigentom o glasbenih poudarkih, tempih in o možnih zamenjavah posameznih glasbenih točk. Upravi gledališča predlaga posebne zahteve za uspešno izvedbo projekta, morebitne goste, soliste ali zboriste. V dogovoru s sodelavci pregleda finančni predračun projekta.

Poleg ustvarjalnega dela - same koreografije - skrbi za organizirano delo vseh sodelujočih. Predvideva in razpisuje termine za vaje solistov in ansambla. Skupaj z dirigentom daje navodila korepetitorju-pianistu. Če ima na razpolago baletnega repetitorja, daje navodila in zadolžitve tudi njemu. Skrbi za celoten potek priprav za projekt predvsem z umetniškega vidika. Z vodjo tehnike se dogovori o tehničnih zahtevah, problemih in njihovih rešitvah. Če je stalni, tako imenovani hišni koreograf v gledališču ali skupini, skrbi tudi za večletno repertoarno in zasedbeno politiko in s tem za umetniški razvoj posameznih plesalcev in njihovo delo v predstavah po premieri. Ker je plesna predstava odrsko delo, večinoma delo tudi režira.

Conditions for obtaining a public document:

Candidates demonstrate attainment of the knowledge, skills and competences defined in the catalogue of standards of vocational knowledge and skills.

Awarding body:

Providers of procedures for identifying and validating national vocational qualifications are entered in a register of providers maintained in the relevant database of the National Reference Point for Occupational Qualifications. Providers include: vocational schools, companies, inter-company training centres, adult education centres, chambers of commerce, etc.


Awarding body URL: