Name of qualification Name of qualification: Doktor znanosti/doktorica znanosti s področja strateškega komuniciranjaAdd to comparison
Translated title (no legal status) Translated title: Doctor of Philosophy in the field of strategic communication
Type of qualification Type of qualification: Doctorate
Category of qualification Category of qualification: Educational Qualification
Type of education Type of education: Doctoral education
Duration Duration of education:
3 years
Credits Credits: 180 credits
Admission requirements Entry conditions:
  • A completed second-cycle study programme; or
  • a completed study programme set out in the fourth paragraph of Article 36 of the Higher Education Act, if the programme is assessed at 300 credits.
ISCED field Field:
Business, administration and law
ISCED subfield subfield: marketing and advertising
Qualification level

SQF Level: SQF 10
EQF Level: EQF 8
EOVK Level: Third level

Learning outcomes:
Qualification holders are qualified to:
(general competences)
  • identify a given research problem, analyse it and determine possible solutions,
  • generate new knowledge that signifies a relevant contribution to the development of science,
  • master standard methods, procedures and processes of research work in the field of strategic communication,
  • pursue independent research and development work and lead a research group,
  • demonstrate familiarity with the importance of quality and strive for quality of professional work through autonomy, (self-) criticism, (self-)reflection and (self-)evaluation in professional work,
  • solve specific research problems in the field of strategic communication,
  • develop skills in the application of knowledge in the research field of strategic communication,
  • demonstrate a commitment to professional ethics,
  • present scientific results obtained in the form of publication in scientific periodicals,
(subject-specific competences)
  • understand communication as a process of making strategic decisions,
  • understand the role of the mass media in the process of strategic communication,
  • understand the role and function of communication for preserving and developing interpersonal relations,
  • demonstrate familiarity with various interpretive approaches that clarify communication actions,
  • understand the role of public discourses in the field of constitution of identity, 
  • independently recognise various pragmalinguistic concepts (conversational maxims, politeness, deixis) that arise in private and public communication,
  • understand the role of context in shaping communication/linguistic practice in the field of communication,
  • demonstrate familiarity with the essential elements and structure of dialogue,
  • understand the mechanisms of ideological interpellation and subjectivisation,
  • understand the role of media discourse in the construction of social reality,
  • understand the structure and characteristics of the media arena in modern society,
  • understand the democratic role of the media,
  • analyse media phenomena,
  • understand the cultural assumptions of communication,
  • demonstrate familiarity with the functioning of the media in a global context,
  • understand strategic communication on the global level,
  • innovatively apply and combine empirical sociological research methods and the methods of related disciplines (methods of triangulation),
  • perform complex acquisition, selection, evaluation and placement of new knowledge and interpretation in the context of sociology (and social sciences in general),
  • formulate and implement original scientific solutions to given problems in the field of strategic communication,
  • take a complex systemic view of society and an interdisciplinary approach as the basis for understanding the characteristics and properties in the field of strategic communication,
  • analyse political processes in democratic societies,
  • demonstrate familiarity with the features of multi-level governance,
  • understand the role of communication in democratic processes,
  • understand the properties of strategic functioning in politics,
  • understand the importance of freedom of expression in strategic communication,
  • demonstrate familiarity with communication in specific settings,
  • understand the legal regulations in the area of freedom of expression,
  • analyse information processes in modern society,
  • manage information processes,
  • understand strategic functioning in the context of the information society,
  • understand the role of information in processes of strategic communication.

Assesment and completion:
Examination performance is graded as follows: 10 (excellent); 9 (very good: above-average knowledge but with some mistakes); 8 (very good: solid results); 7 (good); 6 (adequate: knowledge satisfies minimum criteria); 5–1 (inadequate). In order to pass an examination, a candidate must achieve a grade between adequate (6) and excellent (10).



Students may progress to the next year if by the end of the academic year they have completed all requirements defined by the study programme for progression to the next year.

Conditions for obtaining a public document:

Students must meet all requirements defined by the study programme to complete their studies.

Awarding body:

Independent higher education institution, Faculty of Media


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