Name of qualification Name of qualification: Diplomant evropskih študij (un)/diplomantka evropskih študij (un)Add to comparison
Translated title (no legal status) Translated title: Bachelor of Arts in European studies
Type of qualification Type of qualification: Academic bachelor's degree
Category of qualification Category of qualification: Educational Qualification
Type of education Type of education: Academic bachelor's education
Duration Duration of education:
4 years
Credits Credits: 240 credits
Admission requirements Entry conditions:
  • Matura or
  • school-leaving examination (prior to 1 June 1995) under any four-year secondary school programme.
ISCED field Field:
Social sciences, journalism and information
ISCED subfield subfield: inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving social sciences, journalism and information
Qualification level

SQF Level: SQF 7
EQF Level: EQF 6
EOVK Level: First level

Learning outcomes:

The qualification holder will be able to:
(general competences)

  • demonstrate knowledge from the fields of political science, economics, law, administration, sociology, cultural studies, communication, methodology and international relations,
  • demonstrate a broad knowledge of the social science field,
  • work in a professional, flexible and adaptable way in various fields covering numerous topics and in all social and sectoral contexts that are directly or indirectly related to the functioning of the European Union,

(subject-specific competences)

  • demonstrate a broad social science perspective,
  • demonstrate excellent knowledge of European institutions, economics, law, policies and the political process, which represents a basis both for employment within the institutions and for work aimed at influencing the formulation of policies,
  • demonstrate thorough knowledge of individual key policies of the European Union and the problems related to them, at the European, national and subnational levels, and a consequent capacity for research and analytical work and the ability to provide advice to a broad range of interest groups,
  • demonstrate understanding of cultural plurality and familiarity with social processes and relationships, which also provides a basis for understanding the development of Europe and the problems faced by Europe today, and enables a broader perspective when addressing problems within the context of all employment connected with the European Union,
  • demonstrate knowledge of foreign languages and debating/negotiating skills, developed through the study of individual subjects and a practicum.

Assesment and completion:

Students' knowledge is assessed by means of practical exercises and seminar papers, and also via products, projects, performances, services, etc. and by examinations. Examination performance is graded as follows: 10 (excellent); 9 (very good: above-average knowledge but with some mistakes); 8 (very good: solid results); 7 (good); 6 (adequate: knowledge satisfies minimum criteria); 5–1 (inadequate). In order to pass an examination, a candidate must achieve a grade between adequate (6) and excellent (10). 


Students may enrol in the next year when they have completed all course units in the current year for a total of 60 credits.

Diplomant evropskih študij (un)/diplomantka evropskih študij (un)



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Doktor znanosti/doktorica znanosti s področja analize politik

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Doktor znanosti/doktorica znanosti s področja družboslovne metodologije

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Doktor znanosti/doktorica znanosti s področja informacijske družbe

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Doktor znanosti/doktorica znanosti s področja psihologije komuniciranja

Doktor znanosti/doktorica znanosti s področja psihologije osebnosti

Doktor znanosti/doktorica znanosti s področja razvojnopsiholoških študij

Doktor znanosti/doktorica znanosti s področja razvojnih študij

Doktor znanosti/doktorica znanosti s področja sociologije

Doktor znanosti/doktorica znanosti s področja študij vsakdanjega življenja

Doktor znanosti/doktorica znanosti s področja študij življenjskih potekov

Doktor znanosti/doktorica znanosti s področja tržnega komuniciranja

Doktor znanosti/doktorica znanosti s področja upravljanja in razvoja organizacij

Doktor znanosti/doktorica znanosti s področja vojaških družboslovnih študij

SQF 10 / EQF 8


Second-cycle master's study programmes (SQF level 8)

Conditions for obtaining a public document:

In order to complete the programme, students must complete all course units prescribed by the study programme.