Name of qualification Name of qualification: Negovalec/negovalka v zdravstvenem in socialnem varstvu ter dolgotrajni oskrbiAdd to comparison
Translated title (no legal status) Translated title: Caregiver in health and social care and long-term care
Type of qualification Type of qualification: National vocational qualification, SQF level 4
Category of qualification Category of qualification: Vocational Qualification
Admission requirements Entry conditions:
  • at least SOK level 2 education (completed primary school) and at least 18 years of age and
  • completed a verified training programme in accordance with the Rulebook on personnel conditions, training and supervision in long-term care (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 53/22) and
  • at least 1 year of experience (both formal and informal experience counts) in the field of care and care for the elderly, disabled, etc. persons with special needs or persons with advanced non-communicable diseases, which the candidate who wants to obtain a national vocational qualification proves with certificates, references, statements, etc.
ISCED field Field:
Health and welfare
ISCED subfield subfield: nursing and midwifery
Qualification level

SQF Level: SQF 4
EQF Level: EQF 4

Learning outcomes:

The candidate is able to:

  • plan, prepare, implement and supervise own work in the field of nursing, long-term and social care
  • carry out nursing, long-term and social care activities in the institution and community forms of services and participate in teams in the field of health, social care and long-term care
  • promote the independent performance and maintenance of basic and supportive daily tasks of the patient/user
  • take action in unexpected and unwanted situations when performing services
  • act in accordance with professional guidelines, standards and ethical codes in the field of nursing, long-term and social care
  • to act in accordance with the normative regulation and organization in the field of health, social care and long-term care
  • operate in accordance with the principles of quality and safety in the field of health, social care and long-term care, in all environments and all age groups
  • rationally use and maintain materials, equipment and accessories and other resources for professional work and ensure the adequacy of the space for the provision of services in the field of health care, social care and long-term care
  • comply with regulations and standards in the field of personal and other sensitive data protection and participate in filling out documentation in connection with the activities carried out
  • to protect their own health and the environment and the safety of everyone involved in the treatment
  • use modern information and communication technology to support processes in the field of healthcare, social care and long-term care and the provision of services


Verification and assessment are carried out by committees for the verification and validation of national vocational qualifications, appointed by the National Examination Centre (NEC). Committee members must be licensed by the National Examination Centre. Licences may be found here.

Assesment and completion:


During the guidance process the candidate prepares a portfolio,  which is assessed by a committee. If the portfolio submitted by the candidate contains  authentic, valid and adequate proof of the knowledge,  skills and competences defined in the occupational standard, the committee may:

  • validate the contents of the occupational standard in full,  
  • validate the contents of the occupational standard in part and define the  knowledge, skills and competence to be verified,  
  • refuse to validate any of the contents of the occupational standard because  the candidate has not provided proof of any of the knowledge, skills and competences  defined in the occupational standard, in which case it will verify  the occupational standard in full.


  • Practical assessment with oral defense.

Conditions for obtaining a public document:

Candidates demonstrate attainment of the knowledge, skills and competences defined in the catalogue of standards of vocational knowledge and skills.

Awarding body:

Providers of procedures for identifying and validating national vocational qualifications are entered in a register of providers maintained in the relevant collection of the National Reference Point for Occupational Qualifications. Providers include: vocational schools, companies, inter-company training centres, adult education centres, chambers of commerce, etc.


Awarding body URL: