Name of qualification Name of qualification: Magister profesor anglistike/magistrica profesorica anglistikeAdd to comparison
Translated title (no legal status) Translated title: Master of Arts in teaching English language and literature
Type of qualification Type of qualification: Master’s degree
Category of qualification Category of qualification: Educational Qualification
Type of education Type of education: Master's education
Duration Duration of education:
2 years
Credits Credits: 120 credits
Admission requirements Entry conditions:
  • A completed first-cycle academic higher education programme in English language and literature (180 credits); or
  • a completed first-cycle academic higher education programme in any other subject (180 credits); or
  • a completed first-cycle bi-disciplinary academic higher education programme (240 credits); or
  • a completed professional higher education programme under an old programme.
ISCED field Field:
ISCED subfield subfield: teacher training with subject specialisation
Qualification level

SQF Level: SQF 8
EQF Level: EQF 7
EOVK Level: Second level

Learning outcomes:
The qualification holder will be able to:
(general competences)
  • perform logical and abstract analyses, synthesise and evaluate,
  • express in depth their knowledge of both specialist fields in written and oral form and evaluate them critically,
  • competently transfer intra- and interdisciplinary knowledge into practice,
  • independently enhance, refine and link acquired knowledge and qualifications with various professional fields,
  • contextualise and independently supplement information,
  • transfer own knowledge and skills to other problem areas (ability to transfer),
  • resolve problems, conflicts and work tasks in an intra- and interdisciplinary manner,
  • solve problems in a team,
  • organise and lead expert groups,
  • perform (self-)evaluation and (self-)assessment, and think critically and holistically,
  • locate new sources of knowledge independently and interpret and apply them in professional and academic fields,
  • use ICT professionally and effectively in searching for, selecting, processing, presenting and disseminating information,
  • ensure the quality of own work and raise quality standards in the work environment,
  • develop and disseminate technical subject matter to the student in a comprehensible manner,  
  • appropriately link the objectives of syllabuses, content, teaching methods and student development in the implementation of the academic curriculum,
  • effectively plan, organise and carry out teaching activities, 
  • demonstrate proficiency in the principles of educational research and their application in improving learning and teaching, 
  • promote active and independent learning in such a way that allows students to plan, monitor, evaluate and balance their learning independently, 
  • promote cooperative learning that allows students to develop social skills for successful participation in various heterogeneous groups,
  • appropriately use various methods to monitor, verify and assess the progress of an individual student in accordance with objectives and provide constructive feedback,
  • monitor and evaluate the progress of students in the area of assimilating learning strategies, learning social skills, reading and information literacy, 
  • inform parents and other responsible persons of students’ progress,
  • communicate effectively and develop positive relationships with students, 
  • create an encouraging learning environment and a student community in which diversity is appreciated and in which students feel accepted, safe and self-confident, 
  • formulate clear rules regarding behaviour and discipline in class based on the mutual respect of all participants, 
  • deal successfully with inappropriate behaviour, aggressiveness and conflicts, and apply the appropriate strategies to resolve such issues, 
  • provide all students with equal opportunities and adapt work to their individual characteristics,
  • identify students with special needs and their strong and weak areas, adapt work to their abilities and work with the appropriate experts and institutions as required,
  • develop a positive attitude towards students, and demonstrate respect for their social, cultural, language and religious backgrounds, 
  • take into account ethical principles and statutory provisions in their work, 
  • demonstrate and promote the positive values, views and behaviour expected from students, 
  • communicate effectively and cooperate with parents and other persons responsible for students, 
  • cooperate with other teachers and colleagues at school, 
  • be involved and cooperate in various activities in the immediate and broader environment, and in the field of education, 
  • plan, monitor, evaluate and balance own professional development,
  • use the appropriate methods for motivating students, and develop strategies that facilitate lifelong learning, 
  • encourage flexibility and perseverance in facing new challenges and tasks and develop students’ capacity for self-evaluation, 
  • use information and communication technologies in work and develop information literacy in students,
  • develop communication and social skills among students,
(subject-specific competences)
  • work in a teaching environment,
  • create a safe and encouraging learning environment,
  • demonstrate knowledge of didactic and general pedagogical approaches and knowledge,
  • communicate respectfully and provide counselling to students and their parents,
  • adapt material to the needs of learners,
  • make judgements on the appropriate level of instruction for the selected material,
  • make an appropriate selection of various texts for use in schools,
  • select supplementary materials for lessons,
  • demonstrate understanding of cultural phenomena in their connection with social context,
  • solve technical problems,
  • apply research methods rationally,
  • demonstrate knowledge of the processes of assimilating a foreign language,
  • demonstrate understanding of the role of the foreign language and various types of language,
  • integrate knowledge from the field of English language and literature with other humanities fields.

Assesment and completion:

Examination performance is scored as follows: 10 (excellent); 9 (very good: above-average knowledge but with some mistakes); 8 (very good: solid results); 7 (good); 6 (adequate: knowledge satisfies minimum criteria); 5–1 (inadequate). In order to pass an examination, a candidate must achieve a grade between adequate (6) and excellent (10). 


In order to progress to the second year of the second-cycle teacher training programme in English language and literature, students must complete requirements laid down by the curriculum and syllabuses for the first year, totalling 60 credits.

Magister profesor anglistike/magistrica profesorica anglistike



The Career path tab shows the possible career path within the selected qualification area, which is not the only one and is not mandatory. The actual transition between qualifications, which is determined by law, is defined in the Transition tab.

SQF 10 / EQF 8 


Third-cycle doctoral study programmes (SQF level 10)

Qualification description

Kratek opis

Predmetni učitelj za angleški jezik poučuje v osnovni šoli, kjer je angleščina kot eden izmed tujih jezikov sestavina obveznega splošno-izobraževalnega programa.

Kaj delavec običajno dela

Učenci se lahko pričnejo učiti angleščine kot del obveznega programa (prvi tuji jezik) v drugem triletju, to je v četrtem razredu, lahko pa v tretjem triletju, to je v sedmem razredu kot obvezni izbirni predmet (drugi tuji jezik), če so se v drugem triletju učili kakšen drug jezik kot del obveznega programa. Število ur pouka določa veljavni predmetnik. Na srednješolski stopnji lahko učenci nadaljujejo z učenjem angleščine, če so se je v osnovni šoli učili kot prvi tuji jezik ali obvezni izbirni predmet, ali pa se je začnejo učiti kot drugi ali tretji tuji jezik. Vzgojno-izobraževalno delo v osnovni šoli obsega pouk in druge oblike organiziranega dela z učenci (oddelčna skupnost - razredi, oddelki, učne skupine, razširjeni program, podaljšano bivanje, dodatni pouk, dopolnilni pouk, interesne in druge dejavnosti).

Učitelj v okviru šolskega aktiva za vsako šolsko leto sestavi letno pripravo na pouk, sproti pa se pripravlja za vsako uro posebej. Njegova naloga je usmerjati delo učencev tako, da razvijajo celostno sposobnost za medkulturne in medjezikovne komunikacije s pomočjo angleščine. Med učnim procesom učitelj učence spodbuja, spremlja njihov napredek, preverja in ocenjuje doseženo jezikovno znanje in spretnosti. Doma (in v šoli) načrtuje, sestavlja in popravlja preizkuse znanja (pisne in govorne). Učitelj angleščine na osnovni šoli pozna splošne in operativne cilje, ki so podrobno opredeljeni v učnem načrtu. 

Conditions for obtaining a public document:
The total number of credits required to complete the second-cycle teacher training programme in English language and literature is 120. Within these 120 credits, students must complete all requirements laid down by the syllabuses of individual subjects (93 credits) and complete a master's seminar with master's thesis (27 credits).

Awarding body:

University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts


Awarding body URL: