Name of qualification Name of qualification: Diplomirani inženir kmetijstva - zootehnike (un)/diplomirana inženirka kmetijstva - zootehnike (un)Add to comparison
Translated title (no legal status) Translated title: Bachelor of Science in agricultural and zootechnical engineering
Type of qualification Type of qualification: Academic bachelor's degree
Category of qualification Category of qualification: Educational Qualification
Type of education Type of education: Academic bachelor's education
Duration Duration of education:
3 years
Credits Credits: 180 credits
Admission requirements Entry conditions:
  • Matura or
  • vocational matura in any secondary school programme and an examination in one of the matura subjects; the selected subject may not be a subject which the candidate has already taken in the vocational matura; or
  • school-leaving examination (prior to 1 June 1995) under any four-year secondary school programme.
ISCED field Field:
Agriculture, forestry, fisheries and veterinary
ISCED subfield subfield: crop and livestock production
Qualification level

SQF Level: SQF 7
EQF Level: EQF 6
EOVK Level: First level

Learning outcomes:
The qualification holder will be able to: 
(general competences)
  • think in terms of natural science,
  • transfer, critically assess and apply theoretical knowledge in practice,
  • solve problems and make decisions in practice,
  • be openly communicative and master information technology,
  • pursue lifelong learning,
  • communicate various intellectual concepts,
  • be independent and self-critical,
  • show professional ethical responsibility,
(subject-specific competences)
  • demonstrate in-depth fundamental knowledge of natural sciences,
  • know the basics of raising different types of domestic animals and field crop production,
  • have a systematic theoretical knowledge that enables an understanding and linking of key aspects of agriculture and zootechnology (natural science, environment and social studies),
  • understand the modern interdisciplinary importance of agriculture and zootechnology in food production, use of physical space and raising livestock for various uses, environmental conservation and protection, sustainability, environmentally-friendly approaches, economic and multi-purpose social functions,
  • linking the impact of various production processes to production and the economic efficiency of agricultural production in connection with environmental protection, animal protection, consumer protection, competitiveness and to the social dimensions of farming,
  • understand current professional and scientific literature in the field of zootechnology.

Assesment and completion:
Students' knowledge is assessed by means of practical classes and seminar papers, and also via products, projects, performances, services, etc. and by examinations. Examination performance is graded as follows: 10 (excellent); 9 (very good: above-average knowledge but with some mistakes); 8 (very good: solid results); 7 (good); 6 (adequate: knowledge satisfies minimum criteria); 5–1 (inadequate). In order to pass an examination, a candidate must achieve a grade between adequate (6) and excellent (10).


Students may enrol in the next year if by the end of the academic year they have completed all requirements defined by the study programme and have completed 60 credits for enrolment in the second year and 60 credits from the first year and 60 credits from the second year for enrolment in the third year.

Diplomirani inženir kmetijstva - zootehnike (un)/diplomirana inženirka kmetijstva - zootehnike (un)



The Career path tab shows the possible career path within the selected qualification area, which is not the only one and is not mandatory. The actual transition between qualifications, which is determined by law, is defined in the Transition tab.

SQF 8 / EQF 7 


Second-cycle master's study programmes (SQF level 8)

Conditions for obtaining a public document:

To complete their studies, students must meet all requirements for all subjects in which they have enrolled, and draw up a diploma project.

Awarding body:

University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty


Awarding body URL: