Name of qualification Name of qualification: Spričevalo o splošni maturiAdd to comparison
Translated title (no legal status) Translated title: General matura certificate
Type of qualification Type of qualification: Upper secondary general education
Category of qualification Category of qualification: Educational Qualification
Duration Duration of education:
4 years
Credits Credits: 240 credits
Admission requirements Entry conditions:
  • Completed elementary education.
Qualification level

SQF Level: SQF 5
EQF Level: EQF 4

Learning outcomes:

Knowledge: level 5

  • Acquires knowledge necessary for further education at the higher education level.
  • Acquires essential knowledge in a wide range of science, technology and arts disciplines: mathematics, Slovene, physics, chemistry, biology, geography, history, philosophy, psychology, foreign language, information technology and other (depending on the school profile or the choice of the student). 

Among other things:

  • is familiar with modern scientific concepts, understands the interdependence of phenomena, elements,
  • knows the rules of standard literary Slovene,
  • has studied a foreign language to level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, 
  • is familiar with scientific language, has a good command of physical units for important physical quantities, is able to discuss own experiments and illustrate them with graphs, tables and mathematical expressions,
  • has a comprehensive understanding of biological concepts and the connections between them, natural processes and the use of chemical methods in nature study,
  • understands the most important factors, phenomena and processes of natural geography and social geography,
  • can think in geographical terms about landscapes and people (describe a selected landscape and locate its position and role at the national, international and global level),
  • is familiar with historical phenomena and processes from the perspective of the period in which they occurred and from the perspective of the present day, 
  • is familiar with ways of life and scientific achievements and their influence on economic processes, social relations and the environment in different historical periods,
  • knows fundamental concepts and laws in psychology, philosophy and sociology,
  • has a rational and critical understanding of sport as a social phenomenon.

Skills: level 5

  • Practices cognitive skills such as observation, acquisition of knowledge, comparison, forming logical conclusions, generalisation.
  • Develops abilities to apply simple research methods to obtain, arrange, interpret and communicate scientific or technical information.
  • Is capable of producing effective, intelligible and linguistically correct oral and written texts in the appropriate register in his/her mother tongue.
  • Develops multilingual capacity.
  • Applies knowledge in the resolution of problems in connection with the sustainable
  • use of natural resources, preservation of biodiversity and a high-quality environment.
  • Uses digital technology to develop own knowledge and articulate it.
  • Learns reflection on knowledge and values, identifies and develops problems.
  • Develops sensitivity to artistic experience and expression.
  • Develops motor and functional skills.

Competences: level 5

  • Develops a capacity for autonomous critical judgement and responsible conduct.
  • Develops complex lifelong learning capacity.
  • Develops skills in interpersonal relations and learns effective communication, cooperation and quality and responsible relations.
  • Develops responsibility for the natural environment and own health.
  • Develops capacity for innovation.

Assesment and completion:

System of assessment:

Students' attainment of the standards of knowledge defined by catalogues is established through testing and assessment. Students are assessed using grades from 5 (excellent) to 1 (inadequate).


Students progress to the next year if at the end of the academic year they achieve a positive assessment in all subjects.

Matura examination

The matura examination is taken following the successful completion of the fourth year gimnazija or after completion of a matura course. Candidates' success in the general matura is assessed using: a) points, b) percentages, c) grades from 1 to 5 or point scores from 1 to 8. Candidates must achieve a positive score in all subjects in order to pass the general matura. The school issues successful candidates a general matura certificate and an attestation of success in the general matura examination.


matura/vocational course programmes (SQF level 5), higher vocational education (SQF level 6), professional higher education (SQF level 7), academic higher education (SQF level 7)

Conditions for obtaining a public document:

Passing the matura examination.

Awarding body:
  • Gimnazija