Name of qualification Name of qualification: Profesor glasbe (un)/profesorica glasbe (un)Add to comparison
Translated title (no legal status) Translated title: Bachelor of Arts Music teacher
Type of qualification Type of qualification: Academic bachelor's degree
Category of qualification Category of qualification: Educational Qualification
Type of education Type of education: Academic bachelor's education
Duration Duration of education:
3 years
Credits Credits: 180 credits
Admission requirements Entry conditions:
  • Matura in music gimnazija programmes or matura in other gimnazija programmes; or
  • vocational matura in any secondary school programme and an examination in a matura subject; or
  • school-leaving examination (prior to 1 June 1995) under any four-year secondary school programme.
ISCED field Field:
ISCED subfield subfield: teacher training with subject specialisation
Qualification level

SQF Level: SQF 7
EQF Level: EQF 6
EOVK Level: First level

Learning outcomes:

The qualification holder will be able to: 

  • demonstrate professional knowledge obtained through the study of musical performance, composition, musicology and music education, 
  • demonstrate a capacity for synthetic, analytical and creative thinking, problem-solving and the flexible application of knowledge in practice,
  • demonstrate initiative/ambition, ongoing personal development and professional development, 
  • demonstrate sensitivity towards (or awareness of) the natural and social environment, national culture, heritage, identity, multiculturalism and non-discrimination,
  • manage time adequately, plan work autonomously, check own implementation of plans and use ICT in education, 
  • demonstrate knowledge and understanding of social systems, particularly of processes in education, 
  • collaborate/work as part of a team and demonstrate sensitivity to people and social situations, 
  • demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the development processes, differences and needs of the individual,
  • demonstrate understanding of individual values and value systems and deal with questions of professional ethics.

Assesment and completion:

Students' knowledge is assessed by means of practical exercises and seminar papers, and also via products, projects, performances, services, etc. and by examinations. Examination performance is scored as follows: 10 (excellent); 9 (very good: above-average knowledge but with some mistakes); 8 (very good: solid results); 7 (good); 6 (adequate: knowledge satisfies minimum criteria); 5–1 (inadequate). In order to pass an examination, a candidate must achieve a grade between adequate (6) and excellent (10). 


In order to progress to the second year, students must complete 60 ECTS credits, which must include all first-year requirements in the main subject and all compulsory subjects. In order to progress to the third year, students must complete at least ECTS 120 credits, which must include all first-year and second-year requirements. Students who choose more than one elective subject may also progress without having completed one compulsory subject if they have accumulated 120 credits.

Profesor glasbe (un)/profesorica glasbe (un)



The Career path tab shows the possible career path within the selected qualification area, which is not the only one and is not mandatory. The actual transition between qualifications, which is determined by law, is defined in the Transition tab.

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SQF 8 / EQF 7


Second-cycle master's study programmes (SQF level 8)

Conditions for obtaining a public document:

Students must complete all requirements defined by the study programme and the syllabuses of modules and subjects in order to complete their studies. On completion of studies, students must have completed 180 credits under the current programme.

Awarding body:

University of Ljubljana, Academy of Music


Awarding body URL: