Name of qualification Magister prevajalstva/magistrica prevajalstvaAdd to comparison [1]
Translated title (no legal status) Master of Arts in translation
Type of qualification Diploma druge stopnje
Category of qualification Izobrazba
Type of education Master's education
2 years
Credits 120 credits
Admission requirements

Candidates who have completed the following can enroll in the second level study programme  Translation and Interpretation:

  • double major first-cycle study programme in the field of Interlingual Studies English / German / Hungarian;
  • single or double major study programme in the field of German, English or Hungarian if he/she has completed the study requirements which are essential for the continuation of studies; the obligations to be fulfilled by the candidate are specifically determined by the department according to the specificity of their background and range from 6 up to a maximum of 30 credits, and candidates can complete them during their first-cycle studies, in further training programmes or by passing exams before enrolling ;
  • a first-cycle study programme in other professional fields, if, prior to enrollment, the candidat has completed the study obligations that are essential for continuing its studies; the obligations to be fulfilled by the candidates are specifically determined by the department according to the specificity of their background and range from 9 to a maximum of 60 credits, and candidates can complete them during their first-cycle studies, in the further training programmes or by passing the exams before enrolling ;
  • professional  higher education study programme adopted before 11 June 2004 in the fields of English, German and Hungarian;
  • professional higher education study programme, accepted before 11 June 2004, in other professional fields, if before the enrollment the candidate has fulfilled the study obligations, which are essential for the continuation of studies; the obligations to be fulfilled by the candidate are specifically determined by the department according to the specificity of their background and range from 9 to a maximum of 60 credits, and candidates can complete them during their first-cycle studies, in the further training programmes or by passing the exams before enrolling .
  • Graduates of academic higher study programmes in the relevant fields accepted before June 11, 2004, and graduates of professional higher education study programmes in the relevant fields accepted before June 11, 2004, who have also completed the programme for gaining a specialization, are eligible for study obligations up to 60 ECTS.

The applications of candidates who enroll under point 2 are reviewed by the Department of Translation Studies, which determines the scope and type of study obligations to be recognized, as well as the extent and type of missing obligations.
Enrollment requirements are also fulfilled by those who have completed equivalent education abroad and are proficient in the Slovene language at the level of the natural speaker, at level B2.

ISCED field Field
Umetnost in humanistika
ISCED subfield subfield usvajanje jezikov (drugih, tujih, znakovnih, prevajalstvo)
Qualification level

Second level

The qualification holder will be able to:

General competences

  • readiness for autonomous learning and further training,
  • developing the ability of analytical and synthetic thinking, which is important for understanding written professional texts in their native and foreign languages,
  • mastery of research methods in translation studies,
  • developing the principle of autonomy and cohesion in one's own professional work,
  • ability to predict solutions, analyze and synthesize,
  • social competences (developing the ability to work constructively in group work and to collaborate in groups, communication, responsibility),
  • lifelong learning capacity,
  • technical competences (use of information and communication technology, research),
  • commitment to professional ethics,
  • development of communication skills for tolerant and correct professional discourse.


Subject-specific competences

Research competences

  • ability to search and use scientific literature,
  • the ability to organize and acquire knowledge and behavior independently,
  • ability to analyze, synthesize, anticipate solutions and consequences,
  • independent assessment and creation of more demanding professional and scientific knowledge.

General subject-specific competences 

  • integrating acquired problem-solving knowledge, especially those that arise in intercultural communication situations,
  • transferring theoretical communication and translation models into understanding and solving them through examples of good practice,
  • understanding language communication as a situational, socially and culturally conditioned interactive activity,
  • ability to relate adopted knowledge to new one and integrate them to solve problems in new situations,
  • ability to work independently and work in a team, ability for social interaction to solve complex professional problems,
  • ability to use successful communication strategies (written and spoken) in their native and foreign languages,
  • successful oral and written communication in a professional (foreign) language at a higher level.


Competencies in translation / interpretation

  • solving translation problems in the face of real requirements,
  • ability to analyze different types of text styles to improve translation / interpretation processes,
  • raising awareness and justifying translation decisions within and outside the professional community,
  • promoting ethical translation / interpretation issues,
  • respect for rights and obligations in carrying out a successful translation process from receipt of the contract to the submition of the product / translation,
  • be able to use basic and specialized language manuals,
  • ability to translate / interpret general, literary and professional texts,
  • the use of interpretation techniques and the necessary technical means.


Intercultural competences

  • sensitivity to culturally conditioned diversity,
  • a sense of cognitively and culturally acquired aesthetic and ethical values and plurality,
  • the ability to understand the historically justified complexity of particular social phenomena,
  • knowledge and understanding of the processes of interlingual or intercultural intervention,
  • a rough analysis and evaluation of individual segments of Slovenian and foreign-language cultural history.

Information technology competencies

  • professional and information literacy,
  • use of information technology (knowledge of methods and procedures for obtaining and processing linguistic and other information necessary for translation on the World Wide Web),
  • the design of documents and websites,
  • creation and processing of databases,
  • mastering translation tools.

Examination performance is graded as follows: 10 (excellent); 9 (very good: above-average knowledge but with some mistakes); 8 (very good: solid results); 7 (good); 6 (adequate: knowledge satisfies minimum criteria); 5–1 (inadequate). In order to pass an examination, a candidate must achieve a grade between adequate (6) and excellent (10).

In order to advance to the second year of the Master's Degree, the student must complete with the study programme certain obligations of the first year in the amount of 45 ECTS, and must pass the exam in the subject Seminar in Translation Studies - selected chapters and Slovenian as the language of the profession I.

Third-cycle doctoral study programmes (SQF level 10)

A student completes the study programme when he / she completes the prescribed obligations in the amount of 120 ECTS with the study programme. The student must pass all the exams and prepare and defend the master's thesis within the framework of the master's seminar as defined by the coursebook.

University of Maribor, Faculty of Arts