Name of qualification Magister managementa/magistrica managementaAdd to comparison [1]
Translated title (no legal status) Master of Arts in management
Type of qualification Diploma druge stopnje
Category of qualification Izobrazba
Type of education Master's education
2 years
Credits 120 credits
Admission requirements
  • Diploma in a first-cycle study programme in the field of management, economic and business sciences and law or
  • diploma in an undergraduate study programme (before ZVIS 2004) in the field of management, economic and business sciences and law or
  • diploma in an undergraduate study programme in another professional field and prior to enrolment course units completed in the following subjects: Introduction to Management, Introduction to Economics and Introduction to Law.
ISCED field Field
Poslovne in upravne vede, pravo
ISCED subfield subfield poslovanje in upravljanje, menedžment
Qualification level

Second level

The qualification holder will be able to:
(general competences)
  • obtain, evaluate, analyse and synthesise a variety of data and information,
  • demonstrate mastery of research and development methods, procedures and processes,
  • develop critical thinking and self-critical judgement,
  • critically analyse and synthesise and anticipate possible solutions and consequences,
  • apply values, knowledge and skills in theory and practice,
  • demonstrate autonomy in professional and research work,
  • use information and communication knowledge and skills,
  • demonstrate a capacity for ethical reflection and a commitment to professional ethics,
  • work in a group and patiently receive and incorporate creative criticism and comments,
  • use professional terminology from major and inter-dependent fields such as administrative and organisational sciences, economic and business sciences, sociology and political science and so forth,
  • critically use obtained interdisciplinary values, knowledge and skills regarding theories and analysis in theory and of policies in practice,
  • interpret their own positions and conclusions,
  • critically analyse the causes and consequences of changes both in an organisation and in the broadest economic, social and natural environment that are essential to its sustainable development,
(subject-specific competences)
  • critically understand fundamental hypotheses and the historical development of management theory,
  • lead research and development and operational work in large, medium and small organisations,
  • study, generate, develop and introduce modern managerial solutions through the application of scientific methods and procedures,
  • perform successful and effective planning, organising, managing and supervision of the operation of an organisation or field of responsibility,
  • use modern information and communication technology,
  • perform ethical and socially responsible designing, planning and evaluation of strategic development possibilities of organisations,
  • manage independent entrepreneurial plans and programmes in companies.

Examination performance is graded as follows: 10 (excellent); 9 (very good: above-average knowledge but with some mistakes); 8 (very good: solid results); 7 (good); 6 (adequate: knowledge satisfies minimum criteria); 5–1 (inadequate). In order to pass an examination, a candidate must achieve a grade between adequate (6) and excellent (10).


Students may progress to the second year if they have accumulated 45 credits from the first year.

Third-cycle doctoral study programmes (SQF level 10)

Students complete their studies when they gain all 120 credits envisaged in the study programme.

University of Primorska, Faculty of Management