Name of qualification Doktor znanosti/doktorica znanosti s področja organizacije in managementa kadrovskih in izobraževalnih sistemovAdd to comparison [1]
Translated title (no legal status) Doctor of Philosophy in the field of organisation and management of human resources and education systems
Type of qualification Doktorat
Category of qualification Izobrazba
Type of education Doctoral education
3 years
Credits 180 credits
Admission requirements
  • A completed second-cycle study programme; or
  • a completed Academic Bachelor Degree programme adopted before 11 June 2004; or
  • a completed Professional Bachelor Degree programme adopted prior to 11 June 2004 and a study programme to obtain a specialised qualification; before enrolment in the programme candidates must complete course units in the amount of 33 credits from a second-cycle programme; or
  • a completed study programme leading to professions regulated by EU directives, or another integrated master's degree programme consisting of 300 credits.
ISCED field Field
Poslovne in upravne vede, pravo
ISCED subfield subfield poslovanje in upravljanje, menedžment
Qualification level

SQF 10
Third level

Qualification holders are qualified to:

  • demonstrate familiarity with complex methods of analysis of work and synthesise new methods of analysis,
  • demonstrate familiarity with and apply complex methods for calculating the number of personnel required,
  • synthesise complex systems of internal communication,
  • synthesise complex wage systems,
  • synthesise complex education systems,
  • plan demanding evaluations of education,
  • take a scientific approach to researching employee satisfaction, the organisational atmosphere, parameters of the organisational culture, work motivation, creativity, relations and communication between employees,
  • master general and specific methods and apply expert HR tools for selecting key people,
  • master scientific methods for identifying the need for new knowledge,
  • provide professional support for processes of managing knowledge,
  • manage innovation processes,
  • innovate HR education procedures,
  • lead and manage complex HR systems and education organisations,
  • lead and implement HR education projects,
  • formulate HR education strategy and the development policy of an organisation.

Examination performance is graded as follows: 10 (excellent); 9 (very good: above-average knowledge but with some mistakes); 8 (very good: solid results); 7 (good); 6 (adequate: knowledge satisfies minimum criteria); 5–1 (inadequate). In order to pass an examination, a candidate must achieve a grade between adequate (6) and excellent (10).


In order to progress from the first to the second year, students must complete course units prescribed in the study programme amounting to 45 credits in the current year, where they must pass the examination in Scientific Study of Social Science Phenomena and the requirements of their individual research work. Students must complete requirements from the current year totalling 45 credits, along with all course units from the first year, to progress from the second to the third year.

Students complete their studies when they have successfully met all prescribed requirements of a study programme, written and successfully defended their doctoral dissertation, and completed a total of at least 180 credits.

University of Maribor, Faculty of Organisational Sciences