Name of qualification Doktor znanosti/doktorica znanosti s področja klinične biokemije in laboratorijske biomedicineAdd to comparison [1]
Translated title (no legal status) Doctor of Philosophy in the field of clinical biochemistry and laboratory biomedicine
Type of qualification Doktorat
Category of qualification Izobrazba
Type of education Doctoral education
3 years
Credits 180 credits
Admission requirements
  • Diploma from second-cycle study programmes in the field of biomedicine, biotechnology and mathematical sciences or
  • diploma from study programmes intended to provide education for professions regulated by European Union directives (93/16/EEC for doctors, 78/1027/EEC for veterinarians, 78/687/EEC for dentists and 85/432/EEC for pharmacists) and which require at least 300 credits or
  • diploma from study programmes leading to a specialisation with previous completion of a first-cycle professional education programme in biomedicine, biotechnology and mathematical sciences; additional study requirements for individual fields totalling 30 to 60 credits determined for candidates by the Biomedicine Programme Council or
  • diploma from study programmes leading to a Master of Science or specialisation following the completion of study programmes leading to a university qualification in biomedicine, biotechnology and mathematical sciences; study requirements totalling 60 credits are recognised for candidates or
  • diploma from study programmes leading to university qualification in related disciplines in biomedicine, biotechnology and mathematical sciences.
ISCED field Field
Naravoslovje, matematika in statistika
ISCED subfield subfield interdisciplinarne izobraževalne aktivnosti/izidi, pretežno naravoslovje, matematika in statistika
Qualification level

SQF 10
Third level

The qualification holder is be able to:

  • perform creative and independent research,
  • solve scientific problems of future employers,
  • understand and critically assess solutions for demanding and complex scientific research questions,
  • perform creative and independent work on scientific research problems,
  • make critical assessments of research results,
  • develop new research methods,
  • transfer new technologies and knowledge into practice,
  • understand basic laboratory approaches to the diagnostics of immune deficiency diseases and hypersensitivity,
  • carry out targeted searching for immune system disorders,
  • understand the role of biological molecules in mechanisms of the appearance and development of malignant diseases,
  • understand the classification of diseases of genetic origin, screening and conclusive tests at the level of determining the concentration of excessive and insufficient metabolite accumulation,
  • evaluate the function of altered proteins (enzymes),
  • discover causes at the molecular level (genetic analysis).

Examination performance is scored as follows: 10 (excellent); 9 (very good: above-average knowledge but with some mistakes); 8 (very good: solid results); 7 (good); 6 (adequate: knowledge satisfies minimum criteria); 5–1 (inadequate). In order to pass an examination, a candidate must achieve a grade between adequate (6) and excellent (10).

Students may progress to the next year if by the end of the academic year they have met all requirements defined by the study programme for progression to the next year.

The condition for completion of the study programme and acquiring the scientific title of Doctor of Science is the successful completion of all of the study requirements from the programme and a successful oral presentation of their doctoral thesis. Doctoral candidates must publish at least one scientific article in the field of their doctorate in a journal indexed by the SCI or SSCI. The doctoral candidate must be the lead author of the article. The scientific article must be published or accepted for publication before the oral presentation of the doctoral dissertation.

University of Ljubljana Biotechnical Faculty, Faculty of Pharmacy, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Faculty of Medicine, Veterinary Faculty; Jožef Štefan Institute; National Institute of Chemistry; National Institute of Biology.