Name of qualification Doktor znanosti/doktorica znanosti s področja hungarističnih študijAdd to comparison [1]
Translated title (no legal status) Doctor of Philosophy in the field of Hungarian studies
Type of qualification Doktorat
Category of qualification Izobrazba
Type of education Doctoral education
3 years
Credits 180 credits
Admission requirements
  • A completed second-cycle (Bologna) study programme; or
  • a completed four-year undergraduate programme adopted before 11 June 2004; or
  • a completed professional higher education programme adopted before 11 June 2004 and a specialisation programme; course units totalling 33 credits from the first-cycle two-subject academic higher education programme in Hungarian language and literature will be specified for such candidates prior to enrolment; or
  • a completed study programme leading to professions regulated by EU directives, or another integrated master's degree programme consisting of 300 credits.
ISCED field Field
Umetnost in humanistika
ISCED subfield subfield književnost in jezikoslovje
Qualification level

SQF 10
Third level

The qualification holder is be able to:
(general competences)
  • functionally apply the research methods pertaining to linguistics,
  • demonstrate autonomy in research,
  • keep abreast of and follow current theoretical and methodological research approaches,
  • use and interpret relevant domestic (Slovene and Hungarian) and foreign specialist literature in the field of linguistics,
  • formulate their own scholarly view of and reflection on the development of Hungarian language,
  • apply systemic concepts in understanding and defining the problems of linguistic categories in practice,
  • present scholarly findings in the form of monographs or research papers in domestic and international scholarly periodicals,
(subject-specific competences)
  • demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the modern norms and rules of standard language,
  • carry out autonomous linguistic analysis of various texts,
  • demonstrate understanding of the cause-and-effect relationship between text type and typical linguistic phenomena at the level of derived lexicon, lexemic connections and idioms,
  • critically assess and identify the positive and negative impacts of globalisation processes at all levels of the contemporary Hungarian language system,
  • assess and contextualise new linguistic phenomena from the point of view of communicative adequacy and the new roles of the Hungarian language in modern integration processes,
  • make functional use of various language manuals and compile such manuals autonomously,
  • demonstrate knowledge of research fields in sociolinguistics and undertake in-depth study of the selected field, for example varieties within the Hungarian language, National (contact) varieties of the Hungarian language, bilingualism and multilingualism, language policy, language contacts between Hungarian and Slovene, the language of young people, gender studies, applied sociolinguistics, etc.
  • use and interpret relevant Hungarian and foreign study literature in the field of linguistics,
  • formulate their own scholarly view of and reflection on the development of Hungarian language,
  • adopt a problem-based approach to work and autonomously address the most difficult development issues facing the Hungarian language,
  • record and express content in a technically appropriate manner, address specialist problems, prepare authoritative presentations of key findings and support them with arguments in a skilful manner,
  • autonomously interpret a specific segment of the language, taking into account the most suitable theoretical and methodological approaches.

Examination performance is graded as follows: 10 (excellent); 9 (very good: above-average knowledge but with some mistakes); 8 (very good: solid results); 7 (good); 6 (adequate: knowledge satisfies minimum criteria); 5–1 (inadequate). In order to pass an examination, a candidate must achieve a grade between adequate (6) and excellent (10).

In order to progress to the second year, students must have completed all course units from the first and second semesters, amounting to at least 30 credits per semester (60 credits in total). In order to progress to the third year, students must have completed all course units from the third and fourth semesters (30 credits each, for total of 60 credits).

In order to complete the programme, students must complete all course units, for a total of 180 credits (pass all examinations, complete all course units prescribed by the study programme and successfully defend a doctoral dissertation).

University of Maribor, Faculty of Arts