Name of qualification Doktor znanosti/doktorica znanosti s področja filozofijeAdd to comparison [1]
Translated title (no legal status) Doctor of Philosophy in the field of philosophy
Type of qualification Doktorat
Category of qualification Izobrazba
Type of education Doctoral education
3 years
Credits 180 credits
Admission requirements
  • A completed second-cycle study programme; or
  • a completed academic higher education programme adopted before 11 June 2004; or
  • a professional higher education programme adopted before 11 June 2004 and a specialisation programme; course units totalling 60 credits will be specified for such candidates prior to enrolment; or
  • a completed study programme leading to professions regulated by EU directives, or another integrated master's degree programme consisting of 300 credits.
ISCED field Field
Umetnost in humanistika
ISCED subfield subfield filozofija in etika
Qualification level

SQF 10
Third level

The qualification holder is be able to:
(general competences)
  • demonstrate in-depth understanding of theoretical and methodological concepts,
  • demonstrate mastery of relevant research methods,
  • identify, analyse, synthesise and anticipate philosophical solutions in the preparation of scholarly work,
  • apply research methods in the preparation of research,
  • demonstrate autonomy in research,
  • use critical judgement when making decisions,
  • consider other positions and modify own positions accordingly,
  • engage with the problems of everyday life: reflection, problematisation, the search for assumptions and implications, etc.
  • develop communication skills, in particular constant communication in the international environment,
  • work in project groups and show willingness to work with others,
  • demonstrate a capacity for ethical reflection and a deep commitment to professional ethics,
  • work and create in an international environment,
  • act as mentor to younger colleagues at institutes, universities, etc.,
  • demonstrates effectiveness in the use of the available resources: own creative and intellectual abilities; available intellectual capital (colleagues), other tangible and intangible resources (money, equipment, space and time),
(subject-specific competences)
  • demonstrate understanding of the theories and arguments of leading thinkers based on their works, and show awareness of certain controversies of interpretation,
  • apply historical doctrines to shed light on modern debates,
  • analyse comparative philosophical sources,
  • identify, analyse and resolve the most complex philosophical problems by testing and improving known solutions or finding brand-new solutions of their own,
  • understand and apply the methods of critical analysis and the development of theories and apply them in the development of new knowledge and the addressing of concrete problems (not necessarily only philosophical problems),
  • attentively read and interpret texts from different traditions with sensitivity to the context,
  • provide an assessment of a successful specific philosophical argument,
  • demonstrate adequate understanding of the most sophisticated philosophical terminology and use it,
  • demonstrate the capacity to abstract, analyse and construct philosophical arguments,
  • articulate the problems of everyday life as philosophical problems and find appropriate solutions to them.
  • demonstrate in-depth understanding of the theoretical and methodological concepts that are established in the context of philosophical research,
  • develop critical reflection/self-reflection as the basis for the formation of new philosophical knowledge,
  • produce a research paper in the field of philosophy using the appropriate research methodology (scholarly papers, monographs),
  • publish in domestic and foreign scholarly and specialist publications in the field of philosophy,
  • impart philosophical knowledge in the form of lectures, public debates, etc.

Examination performance is graded as follows: 10 (excellent); 9 (very good: above-average knowledge but with some mistakes); 8 (very good: solid results); 7 (good); 6 (adequate: knowledge satisfies minimum criteria); 5–1 (inadequate). In order to pass an examination, a candidate must achieve a grade between adequate (6) and excellent (10).

In order to progress from the first year to the second year, students must pass the prescribed examinations in two core subjects (30 credits) and course units from Individual Research I (10 credits), for a total of 40 credits. In order to progress from the second year to the third year, students must complete prescribed first-year course units (60 credits), course units from Individual Research II and examinations in at least one elective second-year subject (20 credits).

In order to successfully complete the programme, students must complete all course units, for a total of 180 credits (pass all examinations prescribed by the study programme, and write and successfully defend a doctoral dissertation).