Name of qualification Cvetličarski mojster/cvetličarska mojstricaAdd to comparison [1]
Translated title (no legal status) Master florist
Type of qualification Mojster
Category of qualification Izobrazba
Type of education Upper secondary technical education
Admission requirements
Fulfilment of one of the following conditions:
  • the candidate has obtained a vocational upper secondary education (any specialisation) and has at least three years of experience in his/her profession, 
  • the candidate has obtained a secondary technical education (any specialisation) and has at least two years of experience in his/her profession, or 
  • the candidate has obtained a higher vocational education or first-cycle professional education (any specialisation) and has at least one year of experience in his/her profession.
ISCED field Field
Kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo, ribištvo in veterinarstvo
ISCED subfield subfield hortikultura
Qualification level


The master will be able to:
  • organise and manage the work process,
  • assure quality for products and services,
  • prepare a business plan and analyse the results of work,
  • receive clients and provide advice,
  • manage the procurement and sale of products and services,
  • operate a business rationally and economically (staff, standards and calculation of services),
  • draft proposals for the rewarding of co-workers and work to ensure a passing working environment,
  • recruit staff and plan their development,
  • implement environmental regulations and regulations on safety at work, fire safety and environmental protection,
  • transfer knowledge, skills, experience and new developments in the profession to apprentices, students and co-workers,
  • make products and provide services in the florist’s profession on the level of a master craftsman,
  • make bouquets, arrangements, wreaths and floral containers for various occasions,
  • decorate spaces and maintain floral products.

Members of examination boards for each examination unit separately. Appointed by the minister responsible for education. Appointment may be renewed every 4 years.

System of assessment: 
The candidate sits for a master craftsman's examination, which consists of four units:
  • a practical unit,
  • a specialised theoretical unit,
  • a business and economic unit, and
  • a teaching/instruction unit.

A candidate must pass all four units of a master craftsman’s examination to receive the title of master craftsmen.

Chamber of Crafts and Small Business of Slovenia